Nami is a Korean-American multimedia specialist with focuses in 3D rendering, film/video production, digital media, art, and design.

Let’s collaborate.

The “inverted-T” is often used in academia to describe and encapsulate a designer’s skillset. As the name and shape suggest, the idea is to have working knowledge of various fields of work — to know a little bit about everything — to build a foundation, while a designer’s choice of craft is honed to such a high caliber that it towers over the foundation — this is what makes a “Specialist”.

Like someone who is able to speak many languages, I strive to be fluent in many adjacent fields to turn that inverted-T shape into a bell-curve of many specializations.

허남영 | heo namyeong | “huh nam young” | nami for short

B.Design (digital media, art, and design), Penn State University 2017


3D Rendering and Pre-Visualization
Video Editing and Post-Production
Film/Video Production

Graphic Design